
Saturday Morning Ride

This morning I went for a ride. My girl is feeling much better. I suppose I haven't written about it yet. But Monty is gone. Carrie had to have him put down. They are pretty sure he had a brain tumor. He was getting worse and worse. I was so grateful that I had photographed him on the sly for Carrie. And said my goodbyes. 

Since then (and even during his plight leading up to his removal and then passing) she had been low. I could feel it. I thought it was either Monty or the accident we'd had ridding. There was so much going on. Gwin had a tough month as far as horse's months go. 

With Monty gone and two new horses on the property with Gwin and Angel, things are different. The mama mares are tender still. Gwin seems less that interested in making new friends yet. She's kind of heart broken. 

The upside is that there is no more shuffle and push around. Monty was getting very pushy and studdy. I'm glad that the atmosphere has changed. I was really starting to feel bad for the horses. Each of them. 

Things are quiet and soft now. Still a little low, but certainly better today.
Gwin and I rode for about 50 minutes. We went easy again. I'm still nervous about my saddle when we go faster than a walk. I know I cinched it WAY tighter than usual. I suppose it will take some time. 

When we were back at the barn I groomed her and picked out her hooves. Sweet girl. I love her so much. I'm so grateful she's mine, and I'm hers. I don't know what I was ever doing without her. 

(oh, and my injury is feeling almost completely healed) 


back in the saddle

I rode today. It was great. Gwen took Angel out and we took it slow. I missed riding so much. So glad it was not painful. Can't wait for more.

Gwin had a little puss in the corners of her eyes. Turned her out for the day with her fly mask. Keeping an eye on it.

Also, she had some thrush in her right front hoof when I cleaned her out after our ride. So, I put Gwen back on full time hoof duty. I'd rather her have good, healthy, clean feet.

That's all. No time for stories. Too nice outside. 


missing my girl

I'm still not healed enough to be riding. Today, I felt no pain from any position or action, and then I jumped up to grab a tree branch so I could return a tiny inch worm to his diner, and I honestly felt like I had fallen all over again. Oh the pain... 

I guess it will be awhile. 


loose saddle

I learned a valuable lesson on my early and quite cool weathered ride this morning. The saddle CAN and will slide over to the side of your horse if you don't synch it right tight!

I'm feeling pretty blessed that my first fall off Gwinivere (and my second fall off of any horse) wasn't too too bad. I'm sure you've guess, I didn't synch the saddle real tight today. I thought it would be getting hotter and hotter as we rode and I was certain we wouldn't do any loping.

Well, after a nice ride out to my house, a visit with Zeek and Greg, a ride through my woods, and a quick paced walk back to Gwen's, I had forgotten ALL about that loose saddle. I thought we'd take a little trot around the neighbors' acre before we finished up.

On the stride back to the barn I let her lope. Once on the gravel driveway I could tell the saddle was sliding. I whoa'ed her and pulled back, but the trot to slow only made things worse, and before I knew it I was taking the plunge.

Thankfully, I did more of a roll off from the side, so there were no limbs involved and only a very slight touch on the back of the head. I took most of the hit in the lower small of my back along my hip bones. Gwin immediately stopped HARD and just stood there looking at me.

My body was stunned enough that when I tried to stand my legs wouldn't allow it at first. I had to stay sitting for a couple of minutes. Fortunately, I had the comfort of being right next to Gwen and Jack's house and knowing Jack was home on a Saturday morning.

I recovered and decided it would be best to ride Gwin a little more, for both of our sakes. We shook it off well.

I'm glad we rode, and even more glad I fell where I did and how I did. And not anything worse. 


Hot as Snot

Of course, there has been no riding this week, with temps reaching for the 100s everyday. Today is the beginning of a slight cool off over the next couple of days, and then it looks like were right back to hot hot HOT!

I have seen Gwin a lot though. Gwen and Carrie are gone. They left Tuesday night and will not be back until this weekend. Carrie also bought a new horse (small like Chako), and they took both of their new ponies with them on their trip. Jack and I have been taking care of the three "big" horses. It's been SO much fun. Even in the heat.

I go early in the am, between 5 and 6, to get the heavy work done before the sun comes up. Then I go back around noon to let them out on the pasture for about and hour, make and give them their supplements and treat, and fill their feed again. I have enjoyed it so much.

Greg and I have been considering setting things up to bring Gwin HOME to our place. :) 
We're looking into all that it would require (it would require A LOT). But with the alternative being that we continue to pay to board her for the rest of her life $$$ and never really have her, plus not being able to get Zeek a horse later because we could never afford to pay to board two... it just might be the wisest choice for us.

After this week, even in the tough temps, and taking care of three vs. just my own one, I'm feeling more certain than ever that I would love to have her home with me. I get SO much out of taking care of her.

We'll see. Right now we are getting some quotes and really evaluating our property to see what part of it would be best to clear and use for her... there are SO many other things to consider as well.

Fun and exciting stuff! :)