
Meeting Sarah

Went riding today. Met Gwen's neice, Sarah. She's riding Angel for her now that she has Chaco and can't really ride them both. I just happened to pull up for my evening ride at the moment Sarah was pulling Angel off the pasture for a ride herself. We introduced and agreed to ride together. 

I LOVE her. She's a fantastic fit for me. Very nice, friendly, moderately open and smart enough not to run at the lip, motivated, self admittedly A-type, cute as can be, and very fun to be around. I'm a little overly excited to have meet and meshed so well with her. 

Gwin liked riding with Angel. It was tough keeping her nose out the buffet as we rode, but it was fine. We rode in an area I hadn't before. It's nice to know I can learn some new places to go. 

Sarah and I exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again for another ride soon. 
I can't wait! :)



Gwin is probably wondering if I'm trying to sell her. We've had so many people out to meet her lately. 

Today, our neighbors and good friends, Teri and Henry, joined us for a visit. It was beautiful weather. Henry rode a little. Afterward, Zeek rode. He played his pick up game. 

Gwin has a scabbed boil/blister/owie on her neck. I treated it and will keep an eye on it. I also gave her some probiotics for her tum. 

I can't wait to get out there alone for a good ride. It's been awhile. 


On the Farm

I've seen my girl a few times that I haven't written about. Zeek and I went out with my Mom and dad/Rick while they were here last week. Zeek rode her for us. We also went out to give her her medicine a couple of times.

Things are really nice for her right now. She and Angel are getting used to the two new Rocky Mountain horses, and there is a lot of peace. More than there has been in a long time, if ever, now that sweet, beautiful, bossy Monty is not there anymore. The heart ache is easing for them, too. Time. 

I love this photo of them all. Everyone get along. No one's pushing anyone around. Gwin is standing her ground more than ever. Confident. And of course the mama matriarchs stand on either side of the "babies" making a safe little sandwich for them. So beautiful. ":)



Today we waited for my mother in law, Becky, to come out until we went to see Gwin. She was coming to pick Zeek up for a sleep over, and so we invited her to meet our girl. She was happy to join us. 

Zeek didn't do ground work, because it was scorching hot outside. But he did ride like a cowboy! We played our Cattle Herding Game again, and I couldn't believe how well Gwin responded to him. She even went so far as to walk her own face into the bars for him??? 

When we was done he said he didn't want to get off yet. So he rode on his own a little. It was nice to just let him ride without any worries or over watching them. 

I also rode Gwin a little. I couldn't get her to lope in the round pen, and I realized she has never loped under saddle in the round pen. And then it dawned on me that I can't get her to lope on foot in the round pen.

Gwen was there, and she said that I should not care what makes Gwin unhappy about doing something I ask. I should just give her no other choice. 

But, having been down this road before, I held to what is true for me and my horse, and we backed up to ground level so I could watch and listen more closely to what was going on with her.  

She's really not a butt head, so for her to pin back and duck her head low at me when I ask her to lope in the pen just seems like something else is going on with her. 
Besides, I have seen her at defiant. It doesn't look like that. She stands her ground high and proud. She doesn't get pissy and stupid.  

So I took off her tack and free lounged her (Gwen's recommendation) with the stick and string. I was able to get her to lope for me, but she was getting fancy all over the place, tossing her self and even bucking a few times. One time she turned her back end right toward me and gave me double barrels. Of course, I was way too far away for her to have thought she was going to hit me, but she had something to say about it. 

My guess is she had an experience and isn't comfortable past a trot in the round pen. I think we can temper that out over time with repeat. Sweet girl. 
It was fun to see some spirt and spunk in her though. I always whoop and laugh proud when she throws herself around. She's so strong and beautiful and I just know it's got to be good for her, not to mention fun for all. :)

Becky got quite the show, and it was great stuff all around. She was proud of her little cowboy and they rode off into the not-quite-sunset for their overnight together. 

I'm glad she came. She was fun to have there, too. 


Zeek & Gwin

This morning we went to see Gwin. Zeek asked me on the way if we were going to have to go and see her everyday... this was our second day in a row. I told him that we would at least see her everyday for awhile to give her the meds she's on for her tummy. He wasn't thrilled. He's not a commitment guy. ;)

He did his ground work with her. AMAZINGLY. I was so proud of him. He kept his eyes looking and his chest facing out in front of her. He asked with all his languages, body, words, sounds, and energy. And he worked that lung rope and stick like a little pro. He's coming along quickly. 

After lounging her he rode. We made up a little game that we call Cattle Herding. I place items on the post around the round pen. He has to drive Gwin right up to each item, take them onto her back with him, and ride them back to me one at a time. He did well for his first time. He especially liked when he asked her to step up her walk a bit and she did. 

It felt so good to be with them both. It's so nice to see him really learning about and loving horse time with our girl. I made two videos of the morning:

Ground Work



With Greg

Today, my whole family joined me at Gwen's for some horse time. Zeek went to try his new saddle, and Greg went to watch his boy ride. 

We had such a nice time. Zeek did his second round of ground work with Gwin. Then he rode her for about 25 minutes. We started a fun game for him to have a goal in his riding. I set up different things on the end of posts around the round pen. Then he had to go to each thing, pretending they were calfs, and "drive" them all into the same corner. It was fun.

Greg really enjoyed Gwin. He kept saying how big she is, and how beautiful. 

My favorite part was when I put her in the stall, closed it up, and then went into it with her to groom and give her medicine. Greg was freaked out and said, "You're going IN there with her!!!" And then, after about 10 minutes, while I was picking her hooves out, he said, "I could have married someone who was at the salon this morning, getting her hair and nails done. Instead, my wife is in jean shorts with socks and cowgirl boots, squatting next to a 1200 lb. animal in a 10x10 enclosed area"  
So funny.

I never really think about how much of a farm guy he is not. Today, I got to see it all first hand. And I guess, so did he! :)