

I was very cautious in finding you a new home and owner. I didn't post you anywhere. I prayed and waited. I listened and followed. And here we are...

This morning you will meet your new boy. I cry tears of joy just thinking of how blessed it is that we have found them, and that you will long last have your own little cowboy and nice old guielding to love. No other horses, indoor arena, stabling at night... all your dreams come true. 

Their story is beautiful, hope-breathing and precious. Precious to keep between me and you, and them. God is so incredible to ready you for this boy, this home, and this life you will have. 

I'm thankful for every second we've had together. I'm grateful that I will still get to see you. I can't wait to meet your new boy! 



It's hard to write this, but today is the day. 
I knew it would come. 
I've known now for awhile. 

Our time together is coming to a close. I know you know it too. 

I will never miss "having you". I will only know the great heart ache of missing you, 
my princes star. 

I'll never forget our year together. 
Your eyes, and the way you look without anything on.
I'll never forget how you come to me, follow low, and love so deep. 
I'll never let go of how you took me away - just us. 
My Beauty.

I learned so much from you. More than any person could have ever taught me in words. 
I learned so much about who I really am and what that means in quiet places like you. 

Everyone can see that you're gorgeous on the outside, but to me, everything in you is devastating to think of living without. 

I'm only sorry that we couldn't live this out together to your end. 
My life is going to change now, and I have to let you go. 

I pray that you will have the best home, the way you deserve. 
I pray that you with find someone who understands you and never tries to make you into something of their own. You're worth so much more, just you. 

I love you so much. 
I dread our goodbye.



Today, it was actually in the high 40s! Of course, it was overcast and sprinkling off and on. But my time with Gwin was precious. Gwen did her feet last week and they look fantastic! I did a lot of grooming with her today, and then we took a little ride, bare back with only rope. It was fantastic. Most of the snow/ice is off the paved areas. Someday, the snow might actually melt away. :)