

I went to visit and ride Gwin today. She was happy and warm. She enjoyed her grooming, and we did some playing on foot in the round pen. Then, we rode bareback inside and out. It was relaxing and nice to be with her. She was sweet.



Today, Zeek and I spent about three hours with with Gwin. We worked with her in the round pen to lift her core a little. What better (or more fun way) than to have her jump!

We lunged and jumped her without a lead for about an hour, and then Zeek rode her for about 40 minutes. I made her jumping obstacles wider so she would have to work a little bit harder than in the past.

We made a short video, and although I look like a nine year old kid running, hopping, and skipping around, the embarrassment is worth sharing her beautiful jumping:


Warm and Wooly

This morning I went out by Gwin for about 1.5 hours.

It was cold, but I was too warm for my layers by the time I got finished cleaning up the paddock. Gwen was inside with the grandkids who had spent the night, and I was glad to get a little bit done for her before she found time for her morning work.

I lightly brushed Gwin and then took her out to the pen in her rope halter and lead. She did some ground work for me beautifully, with nothing between us but my arms, hands and words. As soon as she was all wormed up I climbed up and rode her around bareback. Her wooly winter readiness was so warm and soft.

Gwen came out with the kids. Morgan visited. She is so sweet. Then Gwen and I visited. All while I rode still.

After I left, I came right back with Zeek's old baby monitors so Morgan and Gwen could do some round pen ridding while the baby slept.

I have a feeling I will be doing a lot more warm bareback riding this winter than under saddle.


Wed. Ride

Today, my MIL took my boy for his art lessons and an afternoon with Nanna. I like to use these days, weather permitting, to spend alone with Gwin. We did some round pen work on foot and under saddle. Backing, side passing, collecting, leg reigning... Then we rode out through the trails across the street. It was beautiful outside.

It's fun to watch all the woods, trees, colors, fields, hills and valleys change in appearance over the seasons. It's so peaceful and pretty. It dawned on my during our ride that I have my cellphone clipped to the side of my saddle in back, and we could listen to Pandora. So I pulled up a worship channel and we had a fantastic time with Jesus surrounded by His works. It was awesome.

I'm kind of looking forward to what it will be like to ride in the snow...


Zeek's First Trail Ride

Today, Zeek went riding outside of the round pen for the first time!

Unfortunately, I didn't take a real camera with me. 
But I was grateful to at least have my cell phone to take pictures with.

It was so beautiful out, and I thought it was time for him to test his wings a little.

Of course I couldn't leave him head off into the trails, and woods, and fields alone. 
We saddled her, and wore her rope harness over her bridal and bit.

Zeek had the rope reigns on the bit, and I had a small lead rope under her chin on the rope harness.

He mounted and I walked her across the street and through about half the trails.

Then I let him ride her himself in one of the fields.

He did really well.

And on the return ride I did not lead them. He drove.

It was SO cute seeing him in his little cow boots, jeans, and camo hoodie, 
sitting in his little western saddle, reigning Gwin.

I'm so proud of him for learning and loving to ride.

After the ride we worked together to sweep up the barn and paddock. 
It was an awesome afternoon.


Wednesday Riding

It looks like I'll have to opportunity to ride on Wednesdays during the day for awhile. Zeek is going to his Nanna's for art lessons around noon and spending the rest of the day with her, thereafter.

Today was one of those days. We rode, and it was good. We went across the street, as usual. Gwin was good, as usual. I enjoyed it.


Weekend with Sarah

Sarah and I rode this afternoon. I dropped Zeek off at Greg's work before I headed back home from town, dropped off our shopping finds at home, switched to my riding boots, grabbed my freshly oiled saddle and orange hoodie (it is bow season) and headed over to Gwen's.

It was good to see Sarah. We rode both trails across the street. It was fun. We took it easy (low to medium work out) on the horses, because we plan to ride tomorrow if we have time.

Again, I did very little hand reigning with Gwin. She was wonderful, as usual. It was perfect weather and a great time. :)



When we met she moved me
I knew we belonged together
I tried to move her and she stood firm
We dug our heals deep, each trying to have our language understood

I listened for God and He whispered me to quiet
So I stilled my attempts and started listening
That's when she taught me everything I know
And only then I could move her

Today, we move together
With quiet lips, wild hearts, my calves and her front right shoulder
We speak in secrets that are ours alone, and everything is strong and magic
My most beautiful girl

It's amazing to think where we started
That God knew it all along
And that she could show me what it looks like to surrender
That we could do the impossible... fly


Country Boy

Today, Zeek and I went riding. 

After Zeek's ride, Gwen came home from work. It was gently raining, and so beautiful out. Gwen asked Zeek to help her in the fields.

I worked Gwin over the poles and some small jumps, while Zeek and Gwen pulled and pounded posts.

It was kind of a moment for me. What I've always wanted for him. He's slowly but surely becoming a little country boy.


Saturday with Sarah

Today, Sarah and I met for a ride. It was fantastic. I needed to ride. I was getting unfun to be around.

I changed the girth on her saddle to the new one I bought for Zeek's saddle. It didn't seem to make a difference in cinching. But I felt better about it because it's so much softer and nicer.

I also put replaced the chain chin strap with the new leather one. A much better fit.
Oh, and we used the bit again for the third ride in a row together. She was so awesome that I hardly picked up the reigns at all. Her leg reigning is getting so good! :)

We worked the horses, but not as hard as I would have. Gwin seemed a little different. Not in the mind, but in her trot and canter. I couldn't get her to let go and "get it" as I love to whisper in her ear when I lean in for her wild race horse gallop. I wondered if she was sore after our last serious ride and she learned the hard way in her recovery time. ???
Whatever it was, I didn't want to push it.

It was a beautiful day and a great ride.



Today was a date day for Zeek and I. One of his requests was to ride his girl. We went at 6pm for about an hour. He rode for 30 minutes in the pen. It was sweet that he wanted her and had fun on his own without my coaxing or guiding. I know she was happy to have him. :)


Sunday Outing

Rode today. Lots. Good long crazy riding. Used a bit again. Really worked well at keeping her head straight. The cool weather made it so much easier to work. I felt like I couldn't wear her out at all. It was great. She got a WORK OUT.


Sunday Ride with Sarah

This morning Sarah and I met to ride again. The weather was PERFECT. 
We made an agreement not to let our horses make a buffet of our travels. We talked and rode for longer than I've ridden in awhile, maybe ever with Gwinivere. 

We went to the hilly fields, and we rode around them too many times to count. We even did a little racing and loping for fun. It was so good. It's really nice to have her to ride with. As much as I prefer to ride alone, I think I actually enjoyed riding with her even more. And that's saying a lot. 

I hope we ride together again soon. We'll have our girls in shape in no time!



Today, we went to the county fair to meet Gwin's first foal, 15 year old Aladdin.

He is beautiful. I could see the similarities and the differences between them physically. He is very sweet and low key like she is. He also appeared to be very well taken care of. I met and visited with his owner, and I got to see him show. He placed second in showmanship and first in haltering.

It was so nice to meet them all. Humans and horse. :)


Meeting Sarah

Went riding today. Met Gwen's neice, Sarah. She's riding Angel for her now that she has Chaco and can't really ride them both. I just happened to pull up for my evening ride at the moment Sarah was pulling Angel off the pasture for a ride herself. We introduced and agreed to ride together. 

I LOVE her. She's a fantastic fit for me. Very nice, friendly, moderately open and smart enough not to run at the lip, motivated, self admittedly A-type, cute as can be, and very fun to be around. I'm a little overly excited to have meet and meshed so well with her. 

Gwin liked riding with Angel. It was tough keeping her nose out the buffet as we rode, but it was fine. We rode in an area I hadn't before. It's nice to know I can learn some new places to go. 

Sarah and I exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again for another ride soon. 
I can't wait! :)



Gwin is probably wondering if I'm trying to sell her. We've had so many people out to meet her lately. 

Today, our neighbors and good friends, Teri and Henry, joined us for a visit. It was beautiful weather. Henry rode a little. Afterward, Zeek rode. He played his pick up game. 

Gwin has a scabbed boil/blister/owie on her neck. I treated it and will keep an eye on it. I also gave her some probiotics for her tum. 

I can't wait to get out there alone for a good ride. It's been awhile. 


On the Farm

I've seen my girl a few times that I haven't written about. Zeek and I went out with my Mom and dad/Rick while they were here last week. Zeek rode her for us. We also went out to give her her medicine a couple of times.

Things are really nice for her right now. She and Angel are getting used to the two new Rocky Mountain horses, and there is a lot of peace. More than there has been in a long time, if ever, now that sweet, beautiful, bossy Monty is not there anymore. The heart ache is easing for them, too. Time. 

I love this photo of them all. Everyone get along. No one's pushing anyone around. Gwin is standing her ground more than ever. Confident. And of course the mama matriarchs stand on either side of the "babies" making a safe little sandwich for them. So beautiful. ":)



Today we waited for my mother in law, Becky, to come out until we went to see Gwin. She was coming to pick Zeek up for a sleep over, and so we invited her to meet our girl. She was happy to join us. 

Zeek didn't do ground work, because it was scorching hot outside. But he did ride like a cowboy! We played our Cattle Herding Game again, and I couldn't believe how well Gwin responded to him. She even went so far as to walk her own face into the bars for him??? 

When we was done he said he didn't want to get off yet. So he rode on his own a little. It was nice to just let him ride without any worries or over watching them. 

I also rode Gwin a little. I couldn't get her to lope in the round pen, and I realized she has never loped under saddle in the round pen. And then it dawned on me that I can't get her to lope on foot in the round pen.

Gwen was there, and she said that I should not care what makes Gwin unhappy about doing something I ask. I should just give her no other choice. 

But, having been down this road before, I held to what is true for me and my horse, and we backed up to ground level so I could watch and listen more closely to what was going on with her.  

She's really not a butt head, so for her to pin back and duck her head low at me when I ask her to lope in the pen just seems like something else is going on with her. 
Besides, I have seen her at defiant. It doesn't look like that. She stands her ground high and proud. She doesn't get pissy and stupid.  

So I took off her tack and free lounged her (Gwen's recommendation) with the stick and string. I was able to get her to lope for me, but she was getting fancy all over the place, tossing her self and even bucking a few times. One time she turned her back end right toward me and gave me double barrels. Of course, I was way too far away for her to have thought she was going to hit me, but she had something to say about it. 

My guess is she had an experience and isn't comfortable past a trot in the round pen. I think we can temper that out over time with repeat. Sweet girl. 
It was fun to see some spirt and spunk in her though. I always whoop and laugh proud when she throws herself around. She's so strong and beautiful and I just know it's got to be good for her, not to mention fun for all. :)

Becky got quite the show, and it was great stuff all around. She was proud of her little cowboy and they rode off into the not-quite-sunset for their overnight together. 

I'm glad she came. She was fun to have there, too. 


Zeek & Gwin

This morning we went to see Gwin. Zeek asked me on the way if we were going to have to go and see her everyday... this was our second day in a row. I told him that we would at least see her everyday for awhile to give her the meds she's on for her tummy. He wasn't thrilled. He's not a commitment guy. ;)

He did his ground work with her. AMAZINGLY. I was so proud of him. He kept his eyes looking and his chest facing out in front of her. He asked with all his languages, body, words, sounds, and energy. And he worked that lung rope and stick like a little pro. He's coming along quickly. 

After lounging her he rode. We made up a little game that we call Cattle Herding. I place items on the post around the round pen. He has to drive Gwin right up to each item, take them onto her back with him, and ride them back to me one at a time. He did well for his first time. He especially liked when he asked her to step up her walk a bit and she did. 

It felt so good to be with them both. It's so nice to see him really learning about and loving horse time with our girl. I made two videos of the morning:

Ground Work



With Greg

Today, my whole family joined me at Gwen's for some horse time. Zeek went to try his new saddle, and Greg went to watch his boy ride. 

We had such a nice time. Zeek did his second round of ground work with Gwin. Then he rode her for about 25 minutes. We started a fun game for him to have a goal in his riding. I set up different things on the end of posts around the round pen. Then he had to go to each thing, pretending they were calfs, and "drive" them all into the same corner. It was fun.

Greg really enjoyed Gwin. He kept saying how big she is, and how beautiful. 

My favorite part was when I put her in the stall, closed it up, and then went into it with her to groom and give her medicine. Greg was freaked out and said, "You're going IN there with her!!!" And then, after about 10 minutes, while I was picking her hooves out, he said, "I could have married someone who was at the salon this morning, getting her hair and nails done. Instead, my wife is in jean shorts with socks and cowgirl boots, squatting next to a 1200 lb. animal in a 10x10 enclosed area"  
So funny.

I never really think about how much of a farm guy he is not. Today, I got to see it all first hand. And I guess, so did he! :) 


Saturday Morning Ride

This morning I went for a ride. My girl is feeling much better. I suppose I haven't written about it yet. But Monty is gone. Carrie had to have him put down. They are pretty sure he had a brain tumor. He was getting worse and worse. I was so grateful that I had photographed him on the sly for Carrie. And said my goodbyes. 

Since then (and even during his plight leading up to his removal and then passing) she had been low. I could feel it. I thought it was either Monty or the accident we'd had ridding. There was so much going on. Gwin had a tough month as far as horse's months go. 

With Monty gone and two new horses on the property with Gwin and Angel, things are different. The mama mares are tender still. Gwin seems less that interested in making new friends yet. She's kind of heart broken. 

The upside is that there is no more shuffle and push around. Monty was getting very pushy and studdy. I'm glad that the atmosphere has changed. I was really starting to feel bad for the horses. Each of them. 

Things are quiet and soft now. Still a little low, but certainly better today.
Gwin and I rode for about 50 minutes. We went easy again. I'm still nervous about my saddle when we go faster than a walk. I know I cinched it WAY tighter than usual. I suppose it will take some time. 

When we were back at the barn I groomed her and picked out her hooves. Sweet girl. I love her so much. I'm so grateful she's mine, and I'm hers. I don't know what I was ever doing without her. 

(oh, and my injury is feeling almost completely healed) 


back in the saddle

I rode today. It was great. Gwen took Angel out and we took it slow. I missed riding so much. So glad it was not painful. Can't wait for more.

Gwin had a little puss in the corners of her eyes. Turned her out for the day with her fly mask. Keeping an eye on it.

Also, she had some thrush in her right front hoof when I cleaned her out after our ride. So, I put Gwen back on full time hoof duty. I'd rather her have good, healthy, clean feet.

That's all. No time for stories. Too nice outside. 


missing my girl

I'm still not healed enough to be riding. Today, I felt no pain from any position or action, and then I jumped up to grab a tree branch so I could return a tiny inch worm to his diner, and I honestly felt like I had fallen all over again. Oh the pain... 

I guess it will be awhile. 


loose saddle

I learned a valuable lesson on my early and quite cool weathered ride this morning. The saddle CAN and will slide over to the side of your horse if you don't synch it right tight!

I'm feeling pretty blessed that my first fall off Gwinivere (and my second fall off of any horse) wasn't too too bad. I'm sure you've guess, I didn't synch the saddle real tight today. I thought it would be getting hotter and hotter as we rode and I was certain we wouldn't do any loping.

Well, after a nice ride out to my house, a visit with Zeek and Greg, a ride through my woods, and a quick paced walk back to Gwen's, I had forgotten ALL about that loose saddle. I thought we'd take a little trot around the neighbors' acre before we finished up.

On the stride back to the barn I let her lope. Once on the gravel driveway I could tell the saddle was sliding. I whoa'ed her and pulled back, but the trot to slow only made things worse, and before I knew it I was taking the plunge.

Thankfully, I did more of a roll off from the side, so there were no limbs involved and only a very slight touch on the back of the head. I took most of the hit in the lower small of my back along my hip bones. Gwin immediately stopped HARD and just stood there looking at me.

My body was stunned enough that when I tried to stand my legs wouldn't allow it at first. I had to stay sitting for a couple of minutes. Fortunately, I had the comfort of being right next to Gwen and Jack's house and knowing Jack was home on a Saturday morning.

I recovered and decided it would be best to ride Gwin a little more, for both of our sakes. We shook it off well.

I'm glad we rode, and even more glad I fell where I did and how I did. And not anything worse. 


Hot as Snot

Of course, there has been no riding this week, with temps reaching for the 100s everyday. Today is the beginning of a slight cool off over the next couple of days, and then it looks like were right back to hot hot HOT!

I have seen Gwin a lot though. Gwen and Carrie are gone. They left Tuesday night and will not be back until this weekend. Carrie also bought a new horse (small like Chako), and they took both of their new ponies with them on their trip. Jack and I have been taking care of the three "big" horses. It's been SO much fun. Even in the heat.

I go early in the am, between 5 and 6, to get the heavy work done before the sun comes up. Then I go back around noon to let them out on the pasture for about and hour, make and give them their supplements and treat, and fill their feed again. I have enjoyed it so much.

Greg and I have been considering setting things up to bring Gwin HOME to our place. :) 
We're looking into all that it would require (it would require A LOT). But with the alternative being that we continue to pay to board her for the rest of her life $$$ and never really have her, plus not being able to get Zeek a horse later because we could never afford to pay to board two... it just might be the wisest choice for us.

After this week, even in the tough temps, and taking care of three vs. just my own one, I'm feeling more certain than ever that I would love to have her home with me. I get SO much out of taking care of her.

We'll see. Right now we are getting some quotes and really evaluating our property to see what part of it would be best to clear and use for her... there are SO many other things to consider as well.

Fun and exciting stuff! :)


Good Morning Saturday

This morning I went to see my girl. She and her mates were all wearing fly masks. Tis the season.

We rode for about 30 minutes... just a little bare back relaxing leisurely walk around the lot and neighbors' field.

Then I put her little mask back on, threw some dressing on her hooves, snuggled her and headed home.

It was a great way to start my Saturday. :) 

Gwin Had a Baby!!!

This morning I was looking up some records online to see if I could find anything more about Gwen's history. Gwen and I were having a conversation about her opinion that Gwinivere is in fact a Quarter Horse... which it turns out to be that she is part quarter because her mother's sire was a registered App and her Dam's parents were sire/App - dam/AQHA (registered Quarter Horse).

Anyway, in looking online for her using her registered name and number I found that she and some (strapping I'm certain) black stallion named Magic's Tasoaro, born in 1991, had a son whose name is Royal's Magic Ka Zemie. He was foaled on March 11, 2006. I then looked him up, and found a WHOLE family history on Gwinivere AKA: Princess Royal Jazmin.

Princess Royal Jazmin
Exhibit's Royale
T361804 1982 dk b/br
wh over hips
Royal Exhibit
#260803 1977 ch
lacy blanket
The Executive
#183779 1973 r dun
Dial Bright Too #107308 
Dial Right Time BT110067 
Dart's Annette
AQHA-404178 1965 sor
Dart Bar AQHA-64254 
Annie Lowery AQHA-54254 
Ivy Lane
T207196 1974 blk
blanket & spots
Front Street
T138188 1970 ch
War Reed T78025 
Nichols No. 12 ID8787 
Amber Girl
Elko Traveler F2828 

Im Princes Gem
Prince's Jim
#107197 1969 blk
few spot leopard
Prince Plaudit
#55156 1963 ch ro
Red Plaudit #10191 
Princess Rita ID8372 
Joker's Mindy Fe
#28265 1962 bay
Joker B. F678 
Speck Fe AQHA-39704 
Jada Leo Bars
AQHA-397744 1965 sor
AQHA-25380 1950 sor
Leo AQHA-1335 
Dipsydoodle Milligan AQHA-3467 

This means nothing to my husband, who actually laughed at me when I told him, and then squealed in a girly voice (much higher than my own) 
"ooh! my horse has a baby. and it's OUT THERE somewhere!!!" 
Jerk! :)

So, I'll have to wait until I get to talk to someone who GET'S it today. Like my Auntie Judy, or Gwen... I'm sure she's out in the barn
right now. I think I'll just take a little ride over there. ;)

Anyway, I think it's SO sweet that my long necked girl had her own single baby boy. Just like me. And it would explain all her nurturing mama nature, and her love for my own boy (and really any little ones).

Awwww. My baby had a baby!!! (and it's out there somewhere!)


A New Horse in Town

Today Zeek and I went to meet Gwen's new gelding, Choco. He's very nice and so cute. He's only 14.2 and he's brown. I forgot to take his picture, but I'm sure we'll have plenty of that soon enough.

Monty doesn't like him, so they haven't been introduced yet. Gwin is taking Choco for her next trip and will probably not put/try the horses together until after that.

Later in the afternoon, Gwen took Angel and I took Gwin (of course), and we went out across the street to my favorite trails. Gwen went places we usually don't, so it was nice to learn some alternatives. The girls had a great time, and then back at home we gave then both baths.

Gwin's previous owners warned me that she doesn't like baths, 
so I've avoided giving her one until now. 

But she loved her little bath time. 
Stood as still as a rock and even tried to get some water 
out of the hose to nibble on. ;) 

Gwen helped a lot. She did all the scrubbing and washing. 
Then we let both of our girls graze in the yard 
while we laid back on the grass and chatted.

It was a beautiful peaceful evening.  


Morning Ride

It's been HOT. 
This morning I went over for a little ride and decided to change things up a little. We went across the drive to the next door neighbors' freshly plowed field. We went around the acre or so about 8-10 times, alternating from a walk, to trop, to lope and back. 
Although it was a nice time, it certainly wasn't as fun or as much work as our usual trails and fields of acres. 
A nice time, none-the-less. 
I always like to be with my girl.



Today, I went by Gwin in the cool morning while Zeek was at school and Sarita and Ceanna were sleeping away their late night sleep over.

Gwin was pretty sweet about seeing me, after all, it had been four HOT days since our last visit. I brushed her out and saddled her just fine. But once we were on our way, she seemed kind of different. She seemed a little squirrely. Even a bit pushy and a little too certain of her power. ???

So we turned around halfway down the drive and went up to the round pen. We did some light ground work to get her in a thinking mood, and when I felt sure she knew we were together for this, we set off again.

She was still nutty, but not in a disobedient way. Just looking all over and moving real fast. It was kind of funny.

We crossed the street and she became even more like a wild horse. Running so intentionally, like we had somewhere to go. She seemed so proud and a little too confident for me. I was really baffled as to what was going on.

On our first trail I lost my sunglasses off my head trying to get her to STOP running uninvitedly through the trees. I had to get off and find my glasses, and then we had a heart to heart. 

As soon as I looked in her soft confused eyes, I realized that she thought this is what I wanted??? That made me stop trying to analyze and figure it out, and I shut up my mind and listened. Then I remembered something. Something that might seem a little crazy to anyone who reads this.

I have been thinking a lot about the 30 minute Adventures of Black Beauty series I used to watch everyday on TV when I was a little girl. I would watch in awe as the rider, Victoria, would ride the absolute dickens out of this horse of hers. I mean they would run her father's medicine bag to him in the next town at top speed - Beauty would take off running knowing there was trouble, and Victoria would just ride right along, trusting her horse's instincts...

Anyway, it was my favorite show. And when it was over I would go outside and sit on the white wooden fence in front of my city home and pretend that I had my own Black Beauty.

When I arrived to ride Gwin this morning, I thanked God for giving me my own real horse, and for all the amazing things we've already been through. I thought about Victoria and Black Beauty all throughout my time grooming Gwin. 

And when I looked into her eyes again, standing in the trees, fixing my sunglasses back on top of my head, I saw the offering. I realized that Gwin picked up on the desire of my heart, and she had been trying to give me just what I had been dreaming of. A ride!

I kissed her face, apologized, threw my sunglasses into my saddle bag, remounted, and gave her permission to haul ass as best she could.

Oh, and she could. :)

She has never ridden with me like that. Never. I kept thinking, "who is this horse?"

So many times I was laughing out loud, tears streaming off the sides of my face, toggling evenly between the words "oh shit!" and "oh yeah! you are awesome!"

I don't know how to explain it. The running and turning... she would literally speed up to take our turns. Where I usually have to guide her to keep from being smacked by branches, she jutted and bolted around them with no leading. I still can't believe some of the crazy stuff she did. It was exhilarating!

It was definitely the ride of my life.

Later, Zeek and I returned to let Lexi (the dog) out and take Gwin and Angel off the grass for Gwen. I asked, as I always do, If Zeek wanted to ride. Nine times out of 10 he doesn't, but today he did!

So, I put Gwen's kid saddle on her and let Zeek ride her in the round pen. They did so well together. He even asked if he could ever ride her outside of the pen. I assured him that if he keeps working with her, they will be out on their own in no time.

P.S. I ordered him the first two season of The Adventures of Black Beauty on DVD today. He does love his horse movies... I hope he loves this one as much as I did.



Visited Gwen this morning. She and Carrie were gone for about a week to a cattle herding ranch. It was good to see her.

Sadly, Monty isn't doing good. His muscle disease is acting up again. He has restrictions and they are trying to determine if he needs to go back on steroids. I am praying that God just heals him. His Will though. Poor Monty isn't feeling well.

Also, Angel has a rough ankle. She's been keeping off it for a couple of weeks - or longer. Gwen is trying to heal it, but she's also looking at getting a different horse, because she really likes to ride and trailer a lot. She can't have a horse that can't take her. I'm praying for Angle's ankle, too.

Thank God that my baby girl is in great shape. She and I did some easy and fun bareback riding in the round pen this morning before the heat came on. It was nice to just spend a little time with her.

I picked up some new treats, brushes, and a can of hoof dressing for her at Fleet Farm after I left. She's got some dry hoofs in this droughty season. A little cracking. I know Gwen will take good care of it, though. :)


Working Out

Rode this morning again. Loved it. Just went out on the trails across the street. We ran in the field a lot. She did great. Good exercise for us both. Very similar to Tuesday's adventure.

I'm enjoying this first week of Summer School that allots me 4 hours in the cool mornings. 


the beautiful intangible

This morning was fantastic. I dropped Zeek off at school and went to Gwin. It was in the high 60s, sunny, and gorgeous outside. 

I was stressed out about Jeff, and I could tell that I had a hard time connecting to her right away. I spent some time just loving on her, opening my heart up and resting in her unconditional love and understanding. 

I'm always amazed at all the ways that God enlightens me, sharpens my senses, and strengthens me in areas of my spiritual life using my experiences with Gwin. 

Once I was in a right mind and a light heart for riding we set off. 

We did some "round pen" work while I was in the saddle on our way down the long driveway. Backing, side passing, standing still, both of us listening. Then we made our way across the street. She ate some, we moved slowly and relaxed across the land. When we got to the fields we had trotted into a warm up. Once in the fields we did a lot of running. Back and forth, bolting up hills, walking down hills, around and around we went. It was so nice. 

I LOVE TO RIDE HER FAST. And she loves to go fast. And when something flies out of the woods and scares her, she plants instead of spooks. And it's so easy to stay on her. I found a lot of times that I wasn't even directing her where to go, how fast or slow. We were just in sync. 

On the way home I also noticed that her excitement to return to her friends was not there. FINALLY. She moseyed along, taking here time. She nibbled some grass, I bird watched and worshiped God, thanking Him for leading me to this. To Gwin. To following my heart. To learning what it's like to trust her. To listen to her and move when I know what she is saying. To navigate the intangible... the way I need to with Him. 

Once back to the barn, I brushed her out and turned her into her friends. 
I put on my Facebook,

"I can try to learn as much as I want about horses by watching, reading and listening to outside sources... but today I'm convinced that I would have never had a shot at learning all that I need to know about MY horse if I hadn't learned how to listen to HER ♥"



Today, Zeek went to his Nanna's all day, and I spent about five hours with Gwin.

We started with a trail ride. She is SO responsive to the slightest coaxing with my right boot. That is awesome, since I really only had to prove to her that I would do the "one, two, KICK" during one ride, and now it's maintaining itself. 

Because of this, we had no problem getting around from one place to the next. She even crossed the street and the "bridge" well. These are areas where she used act up because she knew there wasn't much I could do. They are places where I would protect us first, and get what I wanted second. She's certainly no dumby. ;)

Once I realized where we were where, half way through our usual trails, we headed to my house! It was such a short way that I was laughing at myself we'd never gone before. 

Gwin was VERY uncomfortable when I took her straight onto my land and had her all over the yard and woods. It was eye opening for me, because I knew just how very safe she was. Knowing that I was fully confident and aware of our surroundings, and that she was not in ANY danger what-so-ever, showed me that she can be scared all on her own having nothing to do with reality or her riders insecurities. 

I felt great showing her around. We accidentally separated a mama deer and her sweet tiny baby/s in the woods. We had to leave so they could reunite. 

Up at the house, I took Gwin's saddle off. I tried to tie her to a couple of trees... each time she immediately wound herself around them and panicked. I didn't know where to put her so I could go in to pee, get some sun screen, and bring lunch out. 

I finally decided to try the dog trolley. It was AWESOME! She could get around. He lead was no where near her feet, ever, and she could be close enough to the house to feel safe. I still only went in the house quickly three separate times so I could keep a good eye on her. She was an emotional mess here. :)

My favorite was when she spotted herself in my front door (which is pretty much a big window), and thought there was another horse. She whinnied and whinnied until the neighbors came over! They used to have horses so they were very excited to see a horse in the neighborhood. 

On our ride home I was a little nervous. I think it was all that nervous energy from Gwin back at my place. But we rode past a mail man in his truck, and he had that warmest eyes. He smiled big and said, "great day for a ride", and I felt at peace again. Can't let all that horse drama separate you from being a human, right!? 

The ride home was fun (and quick). Just at the very end it sprinkled a little. So cool and refreshing. I groomed her in the stall for about an hour, taking care of her legs too. She loved having her legs groomed. She would even pick her feet up to push her leg deeper into the brushed. 

I turned her out to Monty and Angel. She must be in heat, because she was all over Monty, flirty and suggesting. Poor girl. Monty looks hot, but he's out of commission and has nothing to offer her. 

I drove to Jeff's to take care of things there by about 3:30. It was SO nice to have had the whole day with my girl. Can't wait for Monday when Zeek's summer school starts, and I will have four morning hours a day with her for six weeks! :)


Soft and Warm

Today, Zeek and I went by Gwin for about an hour and a half. Zeek stayed in the Jeep with the windows open reading and using his media hour. 

I worked Gwin on the ground in the round pen. First I used a lounge line (a morning tip I got from my A. Jude to help communicate head and body positioning). She did really well, and I was able to turn her in when I needed to. 
Second I worked her around with no lounge. She turned in to me perfectly whenever I asked her to stop. So nice. 

After that little work out of the mind and feet, I attached her rope reigns to her rope halter and did some more work bareback with leg reigning. I don't know why for sure, but when I got on her at first, she pinned her ears and backed at me a little. ??? It could have been that she wasn't expected me to mount off the fence. OR because it was my first time on her bareback skin to skin, because I was wearing shorts. 

Whatever it was, I checked her all out, reassured her, and let her get calm and ready before we began.

Her leg reigning is getting better and softer everyday. Which of course, it should. I'm just so proud of her. We worked on backing near the end of our session. She isn't quite understanding what I'm asking, and the leg cues are confusing her to where she isn't even sure what I mean when I ask her with the reigns as a last resort. 

We will continue working on that slowly. I'm just so pleased that we are connecting, warm and soft on the ground and riding. THIS is what I want from our relationship. Good listening and respecting, both from one to the other.